Modified Adult Psychoanalytic Training

Course Overview

This course is designed specifically with Child Psychotherapists in mind. It leads to qualification as an Adult Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist who can register with the British Psychoanalytic Council. The course consists of theory and clinical seminars, with lectures and a qualifying paper.  The taught element of the programme is provided by a blended approach including video link seminars and face to face lectures. There are three symposiums a year which take place on a Friday and Saturday.  Clinical experience will be gained by the two intensive training patients and once weekly work. 

Course Modules

Theory Seminars

A full programme of Theory Seminars which builds on the core theory of the child psychotherapy training as well as focusing on theory which will assist the child psychotherapist to transition to adult work.  Examples of modules are:Projection, Containment, Transference and Countertransference; Emotional experience, Symbolism, Thinking and Dreaming; Life Stages and Sexuality; Pathological Organisations and Perversion;

Clinical seminars

In these seminars the student presents clinical sessions with a view to reaching a better understanding of the patient’s communications and a clearer idea of an effective response.  The emphasis within the discussion will vary according to the particulars of the presentation and may include an exclusive focus on the patient’s inner world, clinical technique and the clinical setting, external world issues, for example if there are safeguarding or psychiatric issues are also considered as well as the psychotherapist’s appropriate contribution within the wider professional network. The discussion attends to the material presented and is specific to the evolution of the clinical case.  

 The Symposiums

Three symposiums are arranged each year which take place over a Friday and Saturday.  These days allow students to meet in person at BTPP, enabling more informal contact with tutors and trainees. The symposiums may be topic-focussed or involve eminent external speakers usually structured around clinical seminars (e.g., Alberto Hahn) 



  1. Qualification as a Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist leading to membership of the Association of Child Psychotherapists (ACP). This training must have included analysis of a minimum of three times weekly for at least four years and a full theoretical and clinical programme. 

  2. Significant experience of working psychoanalytically (At least 5 years post qualification).

  3. Some experience of working with adults, both therapeutically and within a psychiatric setting*. (A psychiatric placement can be arranged during the first year of the training.)

How to apply

Please contact our administrator Sonia Lloyd on She will answer any questions you may have. If you are still interested, she will arrange for you to speak to Philippa Boulter, Course Organiser.

Applications for September 2025 entry open on Monday 24th February 2025

Closing date for accplication is Wenesday 12th March 2025 at 5pm.

Please email for an application form.